Sunday, December 10, 2006

Victorian Ankle Boots

Yeah, these are a little different from my normal style, I know. But I got inspired while making a variation of them for the doll Elizabeth and decided I needed a different version to release generally as well. So, here they are, available with the brocade spats in 7 different colours sold seperately, or as a complete set at almost half off.

I am always the harshest critic of my own work you could imagine, hating most of it completely and often wondering why anyone would buy it...but I was kinda happy with how these turned out. They matched the antique pair I was working from a picture of pretty well once I figured a way to do the spats that looked nice. Took me weeks to get it all down and tweaked, but it's not too bad now I guess.

So, if you tend towards the Victorian periods, visit Caledon a lot, or just like a bit of formal antique look to your wardrobe, you can check these out at the New Releases area for Boneflower Designs....first floor, back wall of the main Temple store above the volcano.

Hope you enjoy em. :3

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