Friday, December 15, 2006

Mishka & Elizabeth Released @ Temenos!

Yes, I have finally released the first two dolls in the collection for sale...just in time for Christmas. It's been a long time coming since I first announced the new doll store, Heart of a Doll, Dolltopia, and set Mishka and Elizabeth up as advertisement. No, Dolltopia isn't open yet, but I felt the first two dolls should definately be released before here we are...finally! Both Mishka and Elizabeth can be found in the central lobby of the Temenos Island Temple.
Just right click on the displayed doll box you wish to purchase and select "Buy".

Gift Certficates are also available for both dolls if you wish to give as a gift!

Each doll includes: Shape, 2 Skins, Hair, Eyes, Full Clothing Outfit, Shoes, Unique Accessories, Retail Display Box, Biography and Birth Certificate!

Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Victorian Ankle Boots

Yeah, these are a little different from my normal style, I know. But I got inspired while making a variation of them for the doll Elizabeth and decided I needed a different version to release generally as well. So, here they are, available with the brocade spats in 7 different colours sold seperately, or as a complete set at almost half off.

I am always the harshest critic of my own work you could imagine, hating most of it completely and often wondering why anyone would buy it...but I was kinda happy with how these turned out. They matched the antique pair I was working from a picture of pretty well once I figured a way to do the spats that looked nice. Took me weeks to get it all down and tweaked, but it's not too bad now I guess.

So, if you tend towards the Victorian periods, visit Caledon a lot, or just like a bit of formal antique look to your wardrobe, you can check these out at the New Releases area for Boneflower Designs....first floor, back wall of the main Temple store above the volcano.

Hope you enjoy em. :3

Friday, December 08, 2006

Sneak Peek - What to Wear While Waiting for Santa

Nope. These are not up yet. But I decided to post em here so folks who are not part of the Boneflower Designs Update Group can see what they missed!

That's right, last night I sent these adorable kittie jammies out to everyone in my update group totally free, and a week before anyone else will be able to buy em. This is something I plan to do more often. So, if you wanna get in on the goodies, gossip, and free stuffs, next time, better get into that update group. :3

These Jammies will be up for sale next friday at the main Boneflower Designs New Releases area on the first floor of the Temenos Island temple. For touchy!

P.S. - Group Notices were not working for me yesterday, so I had to manually drop these into everyone's inventory. If you missed the announcement in group, look through your inventory for "Retro Kittie" and you will find em!

Peasant Blouses Released

I know, I know. While I have been playing with my dolls, I have rather ignored and neglected my other brands and product lines here recently. I know, and I do feel terrible about it. Honest. That's why I now make you all a peace offering in the form of Peasant Blouses.

Bohemian seems to be in this season, so these will fit right in. Cute, casual, they go great with jeans or that long skirt. Funky and ecclectic, which is just my thing. They come in an Autumn colour set of 7 and a Spring set of 7 colours...and as a complete set of all colours for a discount of course!

So, drop into the New Releases area of the main temenos Island temple store...first floor, along the back wall...they are up top. Hope you enjoy.

Dolltopia Update

I know it's been far longer since my last blog update than I had intended, but I have been working on the sim of Dolltopia the last month or so, and I am rather the obsessive type. =P

No, unfortunately, Dolltopia is not finished or ready to open yet, and isn't likely to open before Christmas as I had originally hoped. =( It's been a LOT of work, and I have been at it feverishly, but there is still a lot to do. Not to mention, the deciding factor in my difficult choice to delay open of the sim itself...most the other stores and store owners I have offered space for in Dolltopia aren't ready either. So, we will keep at it and open when it's actually done.

I do plan however to open a temporary store for The Heart of a Doll before Christmas to allow people to get the dolls I have made so far if they wish. That much I can definately do.

So, although Dolltopia is not open yet and still under construction, I thought I would give a small peek at things as they are so far. The pictures below are some of the attractions in Dolltopia as I have them built now, all made from scratch just for this sim, using a lot of custom painted textures (part of what is taking so long on this many seperate builds and so many textures for them).

For those of you who may not have heard about Dolltopia before, the sim is designed as a child, toy and doll friendly and oriented space where the joys and wonders of childhood can be relived, roleplayed, and the wounds that many of us experienced as real children can maybe be healed just a little. It's a PG sim, and designed as a safe and positive space for all...but I do plan to keep it that way and have a theme and rules in mind to facilitate that.

I have a roleplay background story written up for Dolltopia and the Queen of Dolls which I have also begun writing as an actual children's book I hope to publish, and I will be posting more on the story before the sim opens. The castle is the home of the Queen of Dolls and the Great Child, the village below it is the main store and shopping area. There is a doll school where dolls learn how to play with children, and a doll hospital for dolls that got played with a bit too roughly. There is a dock and a boat that brings dolls and children to and from the island, and a train that runs around most of the island. We have a doll adoption center where child avatars can be matched to dolls, and a lighthouse, and even the Isle of Misfit Toys of the west coast of Dolltopia where dolls and toys that are a and can be found.

Once the sim opens, and the businesses are running well, I hope to start holding or organizing a number of events and roleplay opportunities centered on children and dolls and toys as well. So many ideas, so much little time in a day.